Friday, January 8, 2010

Into the bleu

Today brings me great joy and excitement. I am thrilled to say that it is official, I have signed on as a new student at Le Cordon Bleu! There were many dotted lines to be signed and initials to be made. I am quit sure I didn't sign over my first born, but there was a fair amount of small print.

The school is brimming with life! Students working and toiling over projects. Staff walking this way and that. Then the smells...ahh glorious smells. Today something was roasting or smoking or perhaps the combination of both, what ever it was the smell was permeating the entire school house and making me hungrier then ever!

The class rooms are large restaurant style kitchens. The front of each class room is a giant window. Passersby can stop and watch the young chefs learning new techniques. The chef instructors wear tall hats and all eyes are fixated on them. Not a move to be missed by students eager to learn more about their passion!

I learned from my advisor that my specific Le Cordon Bleu school house was designed to look exactly like the school house in France! The school boasts its very own restaurant were students work and feed real live customers...can you even imagine?!!?

Once my paper work was completed I filled out a form stating my shoe size, coat and pant size. I will receive 5 sets of uniforms. Hats, scarves, jackets, pants, aprons and shoes. I will also receive an enormous amount of books, for which I am most thrilled! I have been having a love affair recently with books on food, in any form or fashion. We will also be receiving our "tool kits." Which house knives, scrapers, slicers, piters, tips, bags, you name it, its there. It will surely feel like Christmas (the kind I knew as a child) as I go threw all my school supplies. I hope I can remember to breathe and keep a level head about myself!

My only stress at the moment is figuring out my gi bill. It use to be simply, one choice. The Montgomery gi-bill. But now the VA has created a new gi-bill called the post 911 gi-bill. I only served 11 months post 9-11 before separating active duty (4 Honorable years served.) I am not sure if I am just over analyzing things but I do want to insure I get the most money that I am entitled to. My culinary education will not be cheap and I need to watch every cent of my gi-bill money. Ahh so if you are reading this you might be wondering how much does an education such as this cost a young stay at home mother (or anyone else for that matter?) Since the schools freely give out that information I really don't mind telling you. I am not huge on secrets as it is! Also I hope to inspire others to follow their dreams (your dream???) so here it is: $41,000 for 21 months in Culinary Arts. Of course this all gets broken down by quarters and isn't expected to be paid up front and in full.

So now what? Well I will attend a couple meetings before my official start date: an orientation and a health card meeting. I am still trying to grasp what the health card meeting is. It was explained to me that we will be watching videos on health and cleanliness in the kitchen, and even be given a hepatitis shot! Yikes, did I fell to mention to these people I don't believe in vaccinations. Opps! I guess I will take one for the team (Team Michelle-thats me!) and do what is necessary in following my dreams. I look forward to updating you every step of the way. Follow my posts starting after February 15th 2010 and see what culinary school is all about. And until then continue to follow me and see whats happening in my kitchen!


  1. Oh, man.. I am soooo friggin proud of you!!! I am really, really looking forward to hearing all about it! Go TEAM MICHELLE!

  2. Congratulations! I guess you'll be inviting friends over for Dinner?
